Tag Archives: Robert Dusil

Family • Photo Restoration • 58 • Taci

Diary • 31st December 1993

• I arrived in Košice on the morning of December 23rd. The train ride was ten hours, and not relaxing in the least. I initially bought a second class ticket, but ended up exchanging it for first class after seeing the uncomfortable seating arrangements. Even in first class our cabin soon filled to its six person capacity. Sleeping in a sitting position was terrible, but eventually people disembarked, allowing room to stretch out. On my arrival Richard and Csaba Kende greeted me at the train station. I stayed at Csaba’s, with the exception of two nights spent at Rišo and Terka’s.

• On the day of my arrival I was honored to attend Rišo’s grading for his second degree judo black belt. I took a few pictures. Most notable was the chronicle of judoka, posted at the entrance of the dojo, showing the first black belts. At the top of the list were:

Ing. Robert Dusil, Germany
Ing. Karol Dusil, Canada
MVDr. Vaclav Dusil, Canada, in memoriam

As I looked at my dad and uncle’s names, I felt proud. I was reminded at that moment of what they contributed to the history judo, in this small town.

• My week in Košice got me thinking of how it must have been for my parents when I was born. I began to realise the impact of their decision to leave their homeland in 1969. The fear and anxiety during those days, hoping that where they were headed was better than where they came from. As Csaba explained it, ten judoka left the dojo for the West. But from those who left, the club’s greatest loss has been the Dusil’s. How could they have all known they were making the right decision?

•  I could have stayed in Canada, and continued to shut my eyes to the significance that Košice represents. But I chose to return to my parent’s homeland and learn.  My week in Košice has also taught me the economic consequences of the socialist regime of the Eastern Block. We left twenty-four years ago because of politics, and my parents unwillingness to subject themselves to communist servitude.  Now I’ve come full circle and moved back to my roots, to start a new life in Prague. The Czech Republic is now a free market, so my future resides in capitalist system. On top of that I get to learn about international business, culture, and etiquette. I intend to learn for my future and entreprenéurial destiny.

•  So have I made the right decision? Will I prosper in Eastern Europe? Will I exceed, or at the very least, match the success of my parents? Will I become a stronger person? Will I be happy? These questions I will continually ask myself as I search for my identity.

• Taci

If you missed the other Taci posts, you can link to them here:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 5 minutes 30 seconds

43.Apr - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (carriage)
43.Apr – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (carriage)
43.Sep.5 - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Sep.5 – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Sep.5 - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Sep.5 – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Apr - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (carriage)
43.Apr – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (carriage)
43.Sep.5 - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Sep.5 – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Sep.5 - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
43.Sep.5 – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
44.Sep.5 - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
44.Sep.5 – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (birthday)
59.Jul - Poruba · Karol, Vaclav Dusil sr., Vaclav jr. Dusil (tour)
59.Jul – Poruba · Karol, Vaclav Dusil sr., Vaclav jr. Dusil (tour)
44.Sep.5 - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil, Maria & Robert Dusil (birthday)
44.Sep.5 – Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil, Maria & Robert Dusil (birthday)
56 - Košice · Vaclav Dusil (portrait, 42,Sep.5-81.Jun.11)
56 – Košice · Vaclav Dusil (portrait, 42,Sep.5-81.Jun.11)

43.Apr - Hukvaldy · Vaclav Dusil (carriage, 1., restoration)

Family • Photo Restoration • 57 • Dusil • Canada

Diary • 22nd October 1993

• I was four when we left Brampton. I still refer to that apartment complex as the “red buildings”. My cousin Roman and friend Laco Dobis lived in the twin building next door. Taci worked in the local Veterinary office while mom was studying at Guelph University. At night Taci and I would go to Judo. As a second degree he would teach the students, and as a white belt I would participate in the warmup and then play at the back of the dojo. The summer before turning five we moved to Burlington. We slept at the Animal Hospital while our house in Tyandaga was being built.

• In September 1974, and it was my first day of school at Holy Rosary. Mom was with me, and our first stop was the Principle’s office (A room I would frequently visit during my elementary years). That first day of Kindergarten was traumatic. When I walked into the classroom all the kids were playing. But, I felt as though everyone already knew each other – as if I was entering the class in the middle of the school season. I was very shy and it took me a while before adjusting to the new setting. My first friend was Patrick Pongetti. He was quiet like me. Neither of us were interested in following the alphas. Our friendship lasted until we graduated.

• Soon enough I became a trouble maker. Partly due to befriending Danny Berris, who got under my skin on several occasions. I’m sure I pissed him off just as often. All kids fight and I was no exception. Kids can also be very nasty, and I didn’t take that lightly. My first report card said, “Gabriel is still hitting the other children”. Budding in line, and name calling were dealt with five-year-old violence. A receptionist at the Animal Hospital – and seventh grader at the time, Michele Cieslik – once told me that she watched someone bud in front of me in line, and I punched him.

• Mom told me that that I was a real trouble maker for the first few years at Holy Rosary. Most of those memories have faded but  I do remember one event that ultimately put closure to  that behavior. It was grade three and I was in the Principle’s office with Danny, and our teacher. Principle Butt lectured us on our bad behavior,  and all the while I was wonder if the pending strap would be on our bare bums, or not. So the time had come, and Principle Butt did me the honours, and Danny got his beating from the teacher. While getting the strap I was surprised how lightly I was being hit. It didn’t hurt at all. When it was all over, Danny was whimpering as we walked back to the classroom. I remembered vividly thinking how stupid it was for him to cry, because it didn’t hurt. So what was he crying about? It was the first and last time I got the strap. And from that point onward Danny and I were separated in our seating arrangements. Anyways,… the pants stayed on.

• Dusil

If you missed the previous Dusil posts, then click on these links:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 5 minutes 3 seconds

72.Jul - Brampton · Gabriel, Eva & Vaclav Dusil (park swings)
72.Jul – Brampton · Gabriel, Eva & Vaclav Dusil (park swings)
72.Jul - Tampa · Vaclav & Gabriel Dusil (football on the beach)
72.Jul – Tampa · Vaclav & Gabriel Dusil (football on the beach)
72.Jul - Orlando · Eva, Gabriel & Vaclav Dusil (Ripley's Believe It or Not!)
72.Jul – Orlando · Eva, Gabriel & Vaclav Dusil (Ripley’s Believe It or Not!)
73.Jun - Guelph · Gabriel, Vaclav & Eva Dusil (College of Veterinary Medicine, graduation)
73.Jun – Guelph · Gabriel, Vaclav & Eva Dusil (College of Veterinary Medicine, graduation)
73 - Burlington · Eva, Gabriel & Vaclav (Aldershot Animal Hospital driveway)
73 – Burlington · Eva, Gabriel & Vaclav (Aldershot Animal Hospital driveway)
74.May - Hawaii · Vaclav, Hula dancer & Gabriel Dusil
74.May – Hawaii · Vaclav, Hula dancer & Gabriel Dusil
76 - Rio de Janeiro · Gabriel & Vaclav Dusil (pool totem pole)
76 – Rio de Janeiro · Gabriel & Vaclav Dusil (pool totem pole)
78.Jul.12 - Burlington · Alica, Eva & Gabriel Dusil (birthday)
78.Jul.12 – Burlington · Alica, Eva & Gabriel Dusil (birthday)
80.Jul - Burlington · Gabriel, Vaclav & Alica Dusil (reading)
80.Jul – Burlington · Gabriel, Vaclav & Alica Dusil (reading)
81.Jul.12 - Burlington · Eva & Alica Dusil (Ali's birthday)
81.Jul.12 – Burlington · Eva & Alica Dusil (Ali’s birthday)

72.Jul - Brampton · Gabriel, Eva & Vaclav Dusil (park swings, restoration)

Family • Photo Restoration • 49 • Dusil • Canada

• Introduction by Eva Dusil • Editing by Gabriel Dusil • 2014 November

• According to communist propaganda, only rich people could attend university in the West. They told us many lies, trying to convince us that Socialism was superior to Capitalism. Constant propaganda brainwashed citizens in believing that the West was an evil imperialist empire. History has told a different story. Either way, the borders were essentially closed to the public, except for a select few who were allowed to travel and see the real picture with their own eyes. This included politicians and top athletes. Communist leaders told us that they were protecting our borders from the evil capitalists. But the ongoing joke was asking why border guns were facing their own citizens, and not the enemy.

• The younger generation believed much of what was told to them. When you grow up seeing, hearing, and reading propaganda, you believe it. Especially when you don’t know any different. Most citizens didn’t have any idea what the West was like. When we finally immigrated to Canada in 1969, our stories filtered back to family and friends in Czechoslovakia. The Canadian government offered us English language courses for free, and financial help get us on our own feet. We bought a cheap camera and took pictures among the fruit stands of a grocery store, to show our parents we weren’t starving. In those days our friends and family had to line up for toilet paper, potatoes, bread and other daily necessities. Store shelves in Eastern Europe were practically empty. Once in Canada, our eyes finally opened to the success of democracy and freedom. It was hard for the Communists to keep that a secret.

• Dusil

If you missed the previous Dusil posts, then click on these links:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 5 minutes 43 seconds

70.Dec.24 - Toronto · Vaclav, Eva, Gabriel, Sona, Erika, Roman, Gabriel Dusil (birthday cake)
70.Dec.24 – Toronto · Vaclav, Eva, Gabriel, Sona, Erika, Roman, Gabriel Dusil (birthday cake)
72 - Brampton - Erika, Karol, Vaclav, Eva, Robert Sr., Vlasta, Roman, Gabriel & Sona Dusil
72 – Brampton – Erika, Karol, Vaclav, Eva, Robert Sr., Vlasta, Roman, Gabriel & Sona Dusil
71 - Brampton · Roman, Gabriel, Sona, Vlasta, Vaclav, Kajo, Eva, Robert Sr., Erika Dusil
71 – Brampton · Roman, Gabriel, Sona, Vlasta, Vaclav, Kajo, Eva, Robert Sr., Erika Dusil
72 - Brampton - Karol, Robert Sr. & Vaclav Dusil (living room)
72 – Brampton – Karol, Robert Sr. & Vaclav Dusil (living room)
72.Sep.18 - Brampton · Sona, Vaclav, Gabriel & Roman Dusil (Gabriel's birthday)
72.Sep.18 – Brampton · Sona, Vaclav, Gabriel & Roman Dusil (Gabriel’s birthday)
76.Jul.12 - Burlington · Vaclav, Eva, Vlasta, Erika, Gabriel, Roman, Alica & Sona Dusil (birthday)
76.Jul.12 – Burlington · Vaclav, Eva, Vlasta, Erika, Gabriel, Roman, Alica & Sona Dusil (birthday)
80.Jul - Lake Nippising · Sona, Vlasta, Gabriel, Alica & Roman Dusil (rock beach suntan)
80.Jul – Lake Nippising · Sona, Vlasta, Gabriel, Alica & Roman Dusil (rock beach suntan)
78 - Burlington · Erika & Vaclav Dusil (sharing coat)
78 – Burlington · Erika & Vaclav Dusil (sharing coat)
76.Sep.18 - Burlington · Roman, Alica, Gabriel, Vlasta, Noel, x, Sona Dusil (Gab's birthday)
76.Sep.18 – Burlington · Roman, Alica, Gabriel, Vlasta, Noel, x, Sona Dusil (Gab’s birthday)
75 - Burlington · Roman, Gabriel, Sona, Karin, Vlasta, Anika, Alica Dusil
75 – Burlington · Roman, Gabriel, Sona, Karin, Vlasta, Anika, Alica Dusil

70.Dec.24 - Toronto · Vaclav, Eva, Gabriel, Sona, Erika, Roman, Gabriel Dusil (birthday cake, restoration)

Martial Arts • Photo Restoration • 44 • Košice Judo

• Throughout the 1960’s, both the men’s and women’s judo teams in Košice were far more cohesive than the opposition. During competition they routed for each teammate with far more enthusiasm and passion. It was partially due to their deep routed friendships. Perhaps it was also due to the financial and physical hardships they shared. The team members spent a lot of time on trains – Košice is situated at the extreme East of Slovakia (Czechoslovakia at the time). So traveling from Košice to any tournament was lengthy and taxing. A trip to Prague was over 700 km and took over 11 hours. They would typically travel on overnight trains, and compete the day they arrived. A sleeping car was out of the question, because it was too expensive. An overnight train meant sitting on benches in a cabin that would hold up to eight people. The judoka learned to sleep on overhead luggage racks, or in creative places where there was a chance to stretch out. Friendships survived decades, including post-emigration, and continue to be strong today. Members often participated in many extra-curricular activities, such as hikes, camping, or going to the movies. Many teammates were best friends –  Karol Dusil, Pepo Vosecky, and Igor Fridrich were closest to my dad.

• Lokomotíva Košice was the rail company’s sport club. In the communist system, state factories sponsored various sporting sectors. So Lokomotíva had a sports organization spanning over 20 “oddiels” (translated as “sections” or “divisions”) – these oddiels were in judo, wrestling, boxing, European football, handball, basketball, etc. One perk for the judoka was relatively cheap travel costs. For instance, an express train ticket from Košice to Prague in the 1960’s would cost only 20 Czechoslovakian Koruna (around $1 American dollar in today’s exchange rate). That same retail ticket today costs €54 ($76 US$).

• Košice Judo

If you missed previous posts on Košice Judo, you can find them here:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 3 minutes 56 seconds

58 - Košice · Vaclav Dusil (boxing gloves)
58 – Košice · Vaclav Dusil (boxing gloves)

• My dad tried his hand at boxing before seriously taking up judo. When I was a kid I  remember watching Mohammad Ali on television, with my dad growing up.  I also had the privilege to accompany my dad to the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, Ontario, Canada. We attending judo and boxing events.  I later learned that Larry Holmes had fought in one of them.


 4 minutes 46 seconds

60 - Košice · Igor Fridrich, Miro Brozek, Juraj Mazanek, Berco Allman, Vaclav Dusil, Adolf Kostrian, Jozef Lemak, Šterc, Jozef Arvay, Csaba Kende, Pepo Vosecky
60 – Košice · Igor Fridrich, Miro Brozek, Juraj Mazanek, Berco Allman, Vaclav Dusil, Adolf Kostrian, Jozef Lemak, Šterc, Jozef Arvay, Csaba Kende, Pepo Vosecky


Article - Judisti Lokomotívy Košice nepostúpili
Article – Judisti Lokomotívy Košice nepostúpili

 4 minutes 13 seconds

60 - Košice · Juraj Bialko, Edo Novak, Csaba Kende, Igor Fridrich, Joe Nalevanko, Vaclav Dusil
62 – Košice · Juraj Bialko, Edo Novak, Csaba Kende, Igor Fridrich, Joe Nalevanko, Vaclav Dusil

• This is the men’s Lokomotiva Košice team. In one tournament, Edo Novak scored a spectacular Ippon against the Czechoslovakian Champion Norbert Pomp using a Ura Nage judo throw.


5 minutes 50 seconds


63 - Košice · Honorary Trophy by the City of Košice
63 – Košice · Honorary Trophy by the City of Košice

• Standing (left to right) – Karol Dusil, Edo Novak, Csaba Kende, Mr. Gonda (secretary of the Lokomotiva Košice Sport Club), Ing. Robert Binder, Pavel Petrivalsky, Juraj Bialko, Dusan Halasz • Lower row (left to right) – Robert Dusil, Vaclav Dusil, & Joe Nalevanko

• Robert Binder was the founder of Slovak Judo in Bratislava in 1954.  According to my uncle, he was a fantastic person and a great help to Lokomotiva Košice, and in the development of Košice judo.  He “belted” my uncle from yellow to brown. Joe Nalevanko coached Slavia Košice, the second Košice Judo team, consisting of mainly engineering students, but Lokomotiva Košice also retained him.


 3 minutes 32 seconds

65 - Split · Vaclav Dusil, Dusan Halasz, Miro Brozek, Vlado Makovsky (Judo Tournament in Slovenia)
65 – Split · Vaclav Dusil, Miro Brozek, x, Vlado Makovsky (Judo Tournament in Slovenia)


65 - Split · Pepo Vosecky, Miro Brozek, Vaclav Dusil, Vlado Makovsky (Judo Tournament in Slovenia)
65 – Split · Pepo Vosecky, Miro Brozek, Vaclav Dusil, Vlado Makovsky (Judo Tournament in Slovenia)

• In 1965 my dad, Pepo Vosecky, Igor Fridrich, Vlado Makovsky and Stefan Bartus went to Split, Croatia (Yugoslavia at the time). They attended a judo tournament, competing in both individual matches, and five-member team competitions. In the spring of 1967 Lokomotíva Košice men’s team went to Leipzig, East Germany for another judo tournament and a reciprocal tournament was held later that year in Košice.

• Documents & Articles

Article - Šikovní chlapi
Article – Šikovní chlapi
Article - Noví majstri v judo
Article – Noví majstri v judo
Article - Najlepší oddiel Lokomotívy Košice Judo
Article – Najlepší oddiel Lokomotívy Košice Judo


• Tags

Adolf Kostrian, Andrej Collak, Anna Collakova, Berco Allman, Csaba Kende, Czechoslovakia, Darina Poprenakova, Digital Restoration, Dusan Halasz, dusil.com, Edo Novak, Gabriel Dusil, Hluchan, Igor Fridrich, Ivan Spisak, Janosik Bastam, Joe Nalevanko, Jozef Arvay, Jozef Grusecky, Jozko Lemak, Julia Tothova, Juraj Bialko, Juraj Mazanek, Karol Dusil, Košice, Ladislav Kende, Lokomotiva Košice, Maria Collakova-Korytkova, Michal Korytko, Miro Brozek, Nyarjas, Orendas, Pavel Petrivalsky, Pepo Vosecky, Pista Oravec, Pozemné Stavby, Robert Binder, Robert Dusil, Sano Drabcak, Slavia Košice, Slavia Žilina, Slavo Sykorsky, Slezan Opava, Slovak Judo, Stefan Bartus, Ura Nage, Vaclav Dusil, Vašek Dusil, Vinohrady Bratislava, Vlado Babilonsky, Vojtech Agyagos


65 - Split · Vaclav Dusil, Miro Brozek, x, Vlado Makovsky (Judo Tournament in Slovenia, thumbnail)



Family • Photo Restoration • 37 • Dusil • Brothers

• My dad was with us for only 14,159 days.  Here was my diary entry on the day I turned 14,159 days.

• 14,159

It seem strange to look back,
and realize two thirds of my life
has been without him.

I feel young,
and there’s much yet to do.

I’ve lived long enough to realize
that life can be hard.

Most are strong enough
to survive.

Letting nature decide their fate.

We want our children
to be better than us.

Make them stronger.
Give them confidence.

I hope to do better for my boys.

• Dusil

If you missed the previous posts on Dusil, then click on these links:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 6 minutes 44 seconds

48 - Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
48 – Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
49.May.22 - Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
49.May.22 – Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
49.May.22 - Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (standing)
49.May.22 – Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (standing)
52 - Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
52 – Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 - Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 – Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 - Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 – Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 - Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 – Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil
59 - Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (cage)
59 – Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (cage)
59 - Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (pond)
59 – Bojnice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (pond)
59 - Piešťany · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (statue)
59 – Piešťany · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (statue)

 • Postscript from me • 2014 December • In 1959 my dad and his brothers went on a tour of the castles of Czechoslovakia.

48 - Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Dusil (premiere pro)

Family • Photo Restoration • 31 • Dusil

• In 1963 my father was granted permission to travel abroad. He visited Belgium, the Netherlands and France. At the time his younger brother didn’t know if he would return, but he did, to finish his veterinary studies. And he didn’t want to break his mother’s heart. She died the following year of breast cancer.

• After the Warsaw Pact invasion, on the 21st of August 1968, over 300,000 Czechoslovakians would leave during a relaxed 13 month window.  Many escaped without proper documentation – on foot, through tunnels, swimming across channels, or by other creative means. Some paid with their lives.

• For most of my life I described the event as “escaping”, but that wasn’t the case. We legally crossed Eastern and Western borders with proper documentation. The basis of our travel was vacation, but we simply didn’t return. The act of Unauthorized Emigration, i.e. “failure to return”, was a crime.  My parents and others that did not return within the approved timetable were considered political criminals. They were subsequently “convicted in absentia” and would have been jailed if they returned to Czechoslovakia. On the 22nd of August 1969 a new, so-called “Truncheon Law” was approved and signed in secrecy.  It was not publicized at the time. But a renewed grip on travel restrictions meant that the borders were essentially closed. My family learned of the new travel restrictions when they arrived in Paris on the 5th of September 1969. In hindsight it was fateful timing. That day we also celebrated my father’s 27th birthday.

• Dusil

If you missed the previous posts on Dusil, then click on these links:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 2 minutes 53 seconds


49.May.22 - Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Jr. & Sr. Dusil
49.May.22 – Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav, Robert Jr. & Sr. Dusil
49.May.22 - Ostrava · Maria, Robert Jr., Vaclav, Robert Sr., Karol Dusil
49.May.22 – Ostrava · Maria, Robert Jr., Vaclav, Robert Sr., Karol Dusil


 4 minutes 7 seconds

57 - Kosice · Robert Dusil, Robert Dusil Sr., Karel Dusil, Maria Dusilova, Vaclav Dusil
57 – Košice · Robert Dusil, Robert Dusil Sr., Karol Dusil, Maria Dusilova, Vaclav Dusil

• This photo was taken in Košice in the garden of the house where the Dusil’s lived.  The house is still standing today, across from the main police station on Moyzesova street, but has since been converted to offices.


61 - Košice · Robert jr., Maria, Robert sr., Karol Dusil
61 – Košice · Robert jr., Maria, Robert sr., Karol Dusil


61.Apr - Stankovce · Anna Collakova, Vaclav Dusil, Robert Dusil, Andrej Collak, Maria Collakova-Korytkova, Michal Korytko, Kajo, Michal Jr, Orendas, Anna Collakova
61.Apr – Stankovce · Vaclav Dusil, Robert Dusil, Andrej Collak, Maria Collakova-Korytkova, Michal Korytko, Karol Dusil, Michal Korytoko Jr, Orendas, Anna Collakova

• Anna Collakova stayed with the Dusil’s when she attended high school in Košice.  She was from Stankovce, a village around 25km east of Košice.

62 - Opava · Zsigmondy, Csaba Kende, x, Karel Dusil, x, Igor Fridrich, Nalevanko, Sano Drabcak, Robert Dusil, Vaclav Dusil
62 – Opava · Zsigmondy, Csaba Kende, x, Karol Dusil, x, Igor Fridrich, Nalevanko, Sano Drabcak, Robert Dusil, Vaclav Dusil

• My uncle did his military service from Aug 1961 to Aug 1963 in Opava together with Sano Drabcak, another judoka from Košice.  The other two soldiers just happened to walk by, so they have not been identified.


 8 minutes 12 seconds

64.Sep - Košice · Maria Dusilova
64.Sep – Košice · Maria Dusilova
64.Sep - Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Maria, Robert Sr., Robert Jr. Dusil
64.Sep – Košice · Karol, Vaclav, Maria, Robert Sr., Robert Jr. Dusil
64.Sep - Košice · Maria & Vaclav Dusil
64.Sep – Košice · Maria & Vaclav Dusil

• This photo was taken in front of “Dom umenia, Centrá kultúry” situated beside the Dusil family residence. That day my dad came to Košice from Brno where he studied veterinary medicine for one year. It was an emergency visit because his mother had terminal cancer. One breast was removed in February of 1964, but her cancer had metastasized to her entire body. She died on the 24th of October, 1964.


63 - Plzeň · Vaclav, Maria & Karol Dusil
63 – Plzeň · Vaclav, Maria & Karol Dusil

• The Dusil brothers, with their mom visiting their father in Plzeň-Bory, while also competing in a judo event.


• Tags

Andrej Collak, Anna Collakova, Attila Kende, Csaba Kende, Darina Poprenakova, Digital Restoration, Dusil Family, dusil.com, Edo Novak, Erika Dusil, Eva Dusil, Gabriel Dusil, Ivan Spisak, Iveta Kende, Juraj Bialko, Karol Dusil, Kende Family, Ladislav Kende, Maria Collakova-Korytkova, Maria Dusilova, Michal Jr, Michal Korytko, Nyarjas, Orendas, Pepo Vesecky, Robert Dusil, Robert Dusil sr., Slavo Sykorsky, Stefan Kende, Vaclav Dusil, Valeria Kendeova, Vera Kendeova


64.Sep - Košice · Maria & Vaclav Dusil (thumbnail)


Family • Photo Restoration • 28 • Taci

• Our nickname for my dad came about when I was a toddler.  I wasn’t able to pronounce “Tati” – Slovak for “Dad”. The best I could do was “Taci”, pronounced “Tat-see” so it stuck for everyone among the extended family. I had many miss-pronunciations throughout my childhood. They were never corrected and became part of my household vocabulary. It eventually became a problem when we visited other friends of my parents. I was around eight years old when we visited a Czech family and I asked the lady if I could “pikat”.  She looked at me with confusion, and I repeated the request. I started to get nervous as she still didn’t understand me. So I said in English if I could please have a drink. To my horror she laughed uncontrollably, and said something along the lines of, “chceš niečo pit? (Do you want something to drink?)” Suddenly, with this one mistake it occurred to me that my Slovak was terrible, and I would barely speak a word of Slovak until my mid-20’s when I moved to Prague, Czech Republic.

• My dad died 35 years ago today. I miss him tremendously.

I love you, Taci

Home - Signature, Gabriel Dusil ('12, shadow, teal, Gab)



• Technical Notes

• I don’t like scratch removal solutions provided by scanners. Even though they offer a quick-fix in removing unwanted damage, I find that it degrades the overall image significantly in the process.  My methodology is to always preserve as much detail and texture in the photo as possible, and manually manipulate the images in Adobe Photoshop instead. Even though I sharpen the images, the process will never restore lost data (contrary to what we see on CSI TV shows). Sharpening results in an increase of grain, but I prefer grain over a blurry image.

• My approach is to scan all images without any fancy correction tools, and make the corrections on a pixel by pixel basis in Photoshop.  In some cases I will add content around the edges in order to correct composition issues. I will also paint detail that may be completely damaged. I call this “digital restoration with creative license”.  The entire process requires a lot of patience, but at the same time, while I am restoring the images, I feel that I am apart of that moment in time, and that makes the work more adoring.

• Taci

If you missed the other Taci posts, you can link to them here:

• 1960 • Barca, Slovakia • Vaclav Dusil

60 - Barca · Vaclav Dusil (Graduation photo from Poľnohospodárska Technická Škola)
60 – Barca · Vaclav Dusil (Graduation photo from Poľnohospodárska Technická Škola)
60 - Barca · Vaclav Dusil
60 – Barca · Vaclav Dusil


• Prior to matriculation (graduation) from the agricultural middle School in Barca (now a part of Košice), students had a mini-scientific conference.  My dad won the first prize, and in this photo he is presenting his findings.  In the background is one of his teachers.  My mother graduated from the same school.

• Postscript from my Mom • 2014 September • We commuted by streetcar, which took about half an hour. Taci would be around 18 years old in this photo.  This high school was focused on veterinary studies. The table is covered with velvet, so it must have been a special event.


Article – Prečo Práve Poľnohospodárstvo


67.Apr.9 - Košice · Document, Vaclav Dusil (Veterinary Medicine, class photo)
60.Jun – Košice · Document, Vaclav Dusil (High School class photo)


• 1965 • Łysa Polana, Poland • Vaclav Dusil

65 - Łysa Polana · Vaclav Dusil (Polish Customs)
65 – Łysa Polana · Vaclav Dusil (Polish Customs)


• 1966 • Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam • Vaclav Dusil

 5 minutes 26 seconds

66 - Paris · Vaclav Dusil
66 – Paris · Vaclav Dusil
66 - Amsterdam · Vaclav Dusil (harbor)
66 – Amsterdam · Vaclav Dusil (harbor)
66 - Brussels · Vaclav Dusil (Atomium)
66 – Brussels · Vaclav Dusil (Atomium)
66 - Paris · Vaclav Dusil (statue)
66 – Paris · Vaclav Dusil (statue)
66 - Brussels · Vaclav Dusil (car)
66 – Brussels · Vaclav Dusil (car)


• My dad went on a trip to Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris in the summer of 1966. These are a selection of photos from that trip. I still have the leather jacket that he has on in these pictures.


• Tags

Andrej Collak, Anna Collakova, Attila Kende, Csaba Kende, Darina Poprenakova, Digital Restoration, Dusil Family, dusil.com, Edo Novak, Erika Dusil, Eva Dusil, Gabriel Dusil, Ivan Spisak, Iveta Kende, Juraj Bialko, Karol Dusil, Kende Family, Ladislav Kende, Maria Collakova-Korytkova, Maria Dusilova, Michal Jr, Michal Korytko, Nyarjas, Orendas, Pepo Vesecky, Robert Dusil, Robert Dusil sr., Slavo Sykorsky, Stefan Kende, Vaclav Dusil, Valeria Kendeova, Vera Kendeova



66 - Paris · Vaclav Dusil (thumbnail)

Family • Photo Restoration • 26 • Dusil • Brothers

“Ultimately the purpose of life boils down to one question:
What do your children think of you?
Our highest value is to live in the memory of our children.”
Karol Dusil

• All three Dusil brothers were competitive and ambitious. This may have been due to genetics and partly because of their environment. All three brothers were denied many things growing up; They’re father wasn’t around during their formidable years so their mother carried the boys through their teenage years and into manhood. The repressive communist regime, was also a contributing factor, where a capitalist definition of ambition was prohibited. My uncle once told me they felt persecuted by the repressive communist regime. The best way for them to get back at them was to get the most out of iron curtain’s education system and use that to thrive in the West. All the Dusil brothers made a tremendously positive mark in this world, using their own resourcefulness, intelligence, and determination.

• One year after the Warsaw Pact Invasion, the two youngest brothers saw their opportunity to escape the regime. The oldest of the three had already settled in Sweden with no plans to return. After they emigrated a local journalist wrote about the Dusil brothers – In so many words he said that they took advantage of the communist education system and abandoned Košice Judo. It’s worth noting at this point that higher education in the communist regime was free. Often candidates were accepted into university, not based on their scholastic achievements, but based on the position their father held in the communist party. Of the 150 students that started in my uncle’s engineering class, only 50 finished. The journalist may have been politically pressured to write the article, although this has never been confirmed. In retrospect, the property their father owned, confiscated by the communists in 1948, would have covered the Harvard education tuition fee for all three boys.

• The brothers fought a lot, but stuck together when necessary.  My dad’s temperament was closer to his mother’s, and the youngest brother was somewhere in between. The oldest brother was most similar in personality to their father. My father was the most sensitive of the three boys. My uncle once said to me, “You could easily hurt his soul”.

• Dusil

If you missed the previous posts on Dusil, then click on these links:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 8 minutes 47 second

50.Jun - Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav & Robert Dusil (portrait)
50.Jun – Ostrava · Karol, Vaclav & Robert Dusil (portrait)

61 - Slovenský raj · Vaclav Dusil & Robert Dusil
61 – Slovenský raj · Vaclav Dusil & Robert Dusil
61 - Slovenský raj · Vaclav & Robert Dusil
61 – Slovenský raj · Vaclav & Robert Dusil
63 - Muráň · Vaclav & Robert Dusil
63 – Muráň · Vaclav & Robert Dusil
59 - Bojnice · Robert & Vaclav Dusil (square)
59 – Bojnice · Robert & Vaclav Dusil (square)
61 - Košice · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (tricycles)
61 – Košice · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (tricycles)
68 - Košice · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (train goodbye)
68 – Košice · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (train goodbye)
73.Jun - Burlington · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (Veterinarian, shaking hands)
73.Jun – Burlington · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (Veterinarian, shaking hands)
76 - Burlington · Karol, Vaclav & Robert Dusil (backyard)
76 – Burlington · Karol, Vaclav & Robert Dusil (backyard)
78.Oct - Kitchener · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (Octoberfest)
78.Oct – Kitchener · Vaclav & Karol Dusil (Octoberfest)

50.Jun - Ostrava · Karol Dusil (portrait, premiere pro)

Martial Arts • Photo Restoration • 24 • Košice Judo • Memories of Judo, III

• Introduction by Ing. Maria ‘Cuna’ Cabanová • 2005 April 20 • Translation & Editing by Gabriel Dusil

• Judo and the judoka of Košice shaped who I am today. I decided on my university education thanks to my coach Kajo Dusil, who thoroughly prepared me for my entrance exams to the Technical University Faculty of Metallurgy. The School of Economics, where I went did not adequately prepare me for technical school.

• When circumstances permitted, I tried to assist the Košice Judo Association in later years. In September 1978, I celebrated ten years as president of the Regional Association of Judo. I succeeded Edita Pačajová-Kardosová who stepped back to the mat as a trainer. I handed off this role to Marta Ujjobágyiova-Kelemenová and Erika Tordová-Királyová. At the time, women’s judo was completely separate from the men. The women were part of Lokomotíva Košice and men trained primarily in TJ VSŽ (Telovýchovná jednota Východoslovenské železiarne). I often offered my coaching assistance to the men’s team of Košice Judo. Helping me extensively were Laco Pačaj, Peter Széky and Jaro Plávka. Summer camps for the girls were organized by Csaba Kende. I coached periodically until 1992, before leaving for Bratislava to work. Then I raised my coaching qualification to class II, and graded successfully for my first dan, black belt.

• In judo I held various roles, such as chairwoman of the political-educational Commission for the District Judo Association, which at the time of the totalitarian regime was extremely important and had been one of the most important evaluation criteria for the sport. I worked as the President of the Judo Association and in that time we formed a joint association with karate. The Slovak Association of Judo awarded me an honorary second degree black belt for my contribution. At the elementary school in Barca (where I take my grandchildren) I led the judo team. I have now fulfilled my dream as a grandmother-judoka.

• It’s not my objective to just document the facts. These are my personal experiences and memories that others might remember differently. In closing, I must thank all judoka who shaped me, helped me and who are still my good friends. Mainly; Erika and Kajo Dusil, my lifelong friends; Csaba Kende, who devoted one summer for the preparation of my first dan black belt, and coached me through the final stages of my class II coaching certificate; Jaro Plávka who was my partner in my black belt grading; Laco Pačaj and Peter Széky who helped me in coaching, and with many other activities.

With reverent respect
I remember well the judoka and friends
who are no longer with us:
Vašek Dusil
Ďuri Mazánek
Julka Tóthová
Marcel Ondrík.

• Košice Judo

If you missed my previous posts on Košice Judo, you will find them here:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 6 minutes 20 seconds

67.Dec - Morava · x, x, x, Karel Hrubicek, Vaclav Dusil, Vlado Makovsky, Csaba Kende, x & Jano Misko (station)
67.Dec – Morava · x, x, x, Karel Hrubicek, Vaclav Dusil, Vlado Makovsky, Csaba Kende, x & Jano Misko (station)
67.Dec - Morava · x, x, Vlado Makovsky, x, Karel Hrubicek, Vaclav Dusil, Eva Kendeova, x, Csaba Kende & Jano Misko (station)
67.Dec – Morava · x, x, Vlado Makovsky, x, Karel Hrubicek, Vaclav Dusil, Eva Kendeova, x, Csaba Kende & Jano Misko (station)
66.Jun - Klánovice · Vaclav, x, & Karol Dusil (judo workshop)
66.Jun – Klánovice · Vaclav, x, & Karol Dusil (judo workshop)
66.Jun - Klánovice · x, x, Vaclav, x, Karol Dusil, x, x (judo workshop team)
66.Jun – Klánovice · x, x, Vaclav, x, Karol Dusil, x, x (judo workshop team)
66 - Košice · Marcel Ondrik. Csaba Kende, Robert Dusil, Jozef Novotny & Vaclav Dusil (Judo grading)
66 – Košice · Marcel Ondrik. Csaba Kende, Robert Dusil, Jozef Novotny & Vaclav Dusil (Judo grading)
65 - Split · Vaclav Dusil (Judo Tournament in Croatia)
65 – Split · Vaclav Dusil (Judo Tournament in Croatia)
59 - Košice · Jozef Arvay, Nyarias, Ludvik Wolf, Zerge Kaan, Laco Magyar, Papik, x, Robert Dusil, Jozef Grusecky & Vaclav Dusil (judo)
59 – Košice · Jozef Arvay, Nyarias, Ludvik Wolf, Zerge Kaan, Laco Magyar, Papik, x, Robert Dusil, Jozef Grusecky & Vaclav Dusil (judo)


• Documents & Articles

66.Jun.18 - Košice · Vaclav Dusil (judo Article, Pravda, TASD RJEKA Lokomotiva VSŽ)
66.Jun.18 – Košice · Vaclav Dusil (judo Article, Pravda, TASD RJEKA Lokomotiva VSŽ)
66.Jun.3 - Košice · Vaclav Dusil (judo Article, Československý Šport, Judo s indexom)
66.Jun.3 – Košice · Vaclav Dusil (judo Article, Československý Šport, Judo s indexom)
65 - Košice · Document, Vaclav Dusil (judo Diplom, Zá obetavú prácu)
65 – Košice · Document, Vaclav Dusil (judo Diplom, Zá obetavú prácu)

59 - Košice · Jozef Arvay, Nyarias, Ludvik Wolf, Zerge Kaan, Laco Magyar, Papik, x, Robert Dusil, Jozef Grusecky & Vaclav Dusil (judo, premiere pro)

Family • Photo Restoration • 21 • Taci

15.Oct - Prague · Collage (Taci, angel wings, animated gif, 226p)

Here is my latest photo restoration and video editing project, in memory of father, Vaclav ‘Taci’ Dusil.

The concept of this layout came to me a few months ago, one evening just before I fell asleep. The first challenge was to get the black matte just right so that the design would size to my printer. I also needed to make sure the wings would settle neatly within the matte. Next was to group, scale and space the photos to the size of the angel wings.
Video editing was a tedious process. I had to essentially re-size each picture all over again – this time in Adobe Premiere Pro, then animate each photo in sequence to mosaic the wings. The ‘Taci’ animation was done in Adobe After Effects.
Photo Restoration 198
There are 138 photos in total – 69 in each wing. The work spanned two months. Many of the original photos were annotated by my father. I initially used them in the collage, but I felt that the final layout was too messy with the added text.
My dad maintained a beautiful visual diary of his youth. It’s been a privilege to restore his photos, and create a lasting archive for my family. I’ve joined a group of individuals in the genealogy community, who have felt the emotion from that split second in time when a photo was taken.

• Taci

If you missed the other Taci posts, you can link to them here:

• Photo Montage

 4 minutes 52 seconds

• Collage

 8 minutes 10 seconds

• Photo Restoration

 29 minutes 23 seconds

 Portfolio - Collage (Taci, angel wings, premiere pro)