Family • Photo Restoration • 59 • Taci & Gabičko

I Remember Taci


I remember when Taci would drive me to school in the morning, and sometimes I’d be late because of the train tracks.

I remember when Taci walked up the stairs and his ankles would crack.

I remember when Taci shared his grapefruit with me, and when he peeled me a big piece he said it was a ‘horsie bite’. If it was bigger than that, it was an ‘elephant bite’, and the biggest one was a ‘buffalo bite’.

I remember going to the Canadian National Exhibition and a carnival game would chant ‘doggie doggie, buffalo buffalo”. Taci would say that for years later, when he was in a good mood.

I remember when Taci took me to my guitar lessons.

I remember when Taci would play the banjo at night.

I remember Taci teaching judo, and wrestling with his students.

I remember when Taci and I went to the 1976 Olympic Games, and I asking him why he wasn’t fighting in the Judo matches with the other men.

I remember when Taci watched NHL hockey. He would ask me to get him a beer from the fridge, and I’d secretly take a sip before bringing it to him.

I remember when Charlotte’s Web premiered on television but I cried because I wasn’t allowed to watch it, because of hockey.

I remember when Taci bought the Aldershot Animal Hospital and we slept there for six months till our house was built.

I remember when Taci was upset with me because I filed a client card incorrectly, and he couldn’t find it.

I remember when Taci was operating on a dog, and the air smelled bad.

I remember when Taci told Mamička about the clients that visited that day.

I remember our great dane respected and loved Taci a lot.

I remember when Taci built a pool for us in the back yard, and he played with us.

I remember when Taci chasing me and my cousins around the house, and how happy I was to have a dad that played with me.

I remember when Taci built a deck and I helped by holding the measuring tape. Taci kept saying 69″ with each board he measured and from that day forward we called the measuring tape ’69’.

I remember Taci telling me stories about his family, and how life was like in Czechoslovakia.

I remember asking Taci why we left, and I noticed how sad he was, telling me that communism will unlikely fall in our lifetime.

I remember how Taci talked to and respected everyone, even an elevator attendant.

I remember when I asked Taci about the birds and the bees and he told me that you should love someone if you make love.

I remember when Taci would stand by the window and look at the ravine for a long time, thinking about stuff.

I remember when Taci stood in the kitchen, looking depressed, and I wanting to tell him that everything would be OK.

I remember when Taci came out of the house when I was playing basketball. He looked at the house, as if for the last time. As he walked down the street I thought I would never see him again.

I remember Taci laughing,

I remember Taci crying,

I remember that Taci was strong and smart,

I remember that everyone respected Taci,

I remember how everyone loved Taci.

• Taci

If you missed the other Taci posts, you can link to them here:

• Digital Photo Restoration

 4 minutes 40 seconds


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One thought on “Family • Photo Restoration • 59 • Taci & Gabičko”

  1. I love your posts. It makes me remember when we were kids and how glad I am to have you and those memories. They make me sad too. Because I loved Taci. He always made me feel special. He always had fun with us. I remember getting him a beer when we went to Hidden Island and taking a sip. Eventually he asked us to bring him two. I’m sad that he had to leave us and what losing him did to you, Alica and your mom. And to my Dad and the rest of us. There was a time I thought we would never feel happy again. But we did. Time does heal or at least dull the pain. He loved us. That I remember.


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